Event Management Consultancy Service

Events come in all shapes and sizes from the office Christmas party of two hundred people to a fifty thousand strong crowd attending a live concert. We can assist you with your event be it a Ball at a University, a live concert, a corporate event or a sporting event; we have the solutions and will meet your requirements.


To successfully manage events a wide range of skills are required. Events involve elements of licensed bars, security, technical support, artistes and performers, entertainments, temporary structures, catering, logistics and health & safety; to name just a few.


Our event management consultants co-ordinate all these areas for our clients through our extensive skills base, effective management techniques and a wide range of industry specific contacts who specialise in these areas and have a proven track record.


For further details on the individual areas of event management in which we can provide further assistance please see:



Our consultants advise, guide and assist you in the planning stages of your event. We can start at the ‘early ideas’ stage, join in when you come across challenges with which you need assistance or when the time is right for you to call in our expert help.


Often some of the appropriate ideas and solutions are already present within your team, they just need to be harnessed and this is sometimes easier to achieve from the outside of an organisation, then from within it.


All the consultancy projects we take on are based on the same principles of meticulous research, developing strong relationships with the client and effective communication with the team at all levels.


Our event consultancy team come from very different backgrounds and specialise in their individual areas. The co-ordination by our event managers brings everyone together to work as a team. Our event managers ensure that relevant information is communicated to relevant people and prioritise resources available.


Trust us to help you deliver the event that your customers will never forget.


For more details on our consultancy service, please Contact Us and we will be delighted to discuss how our services can provide solutions for your business.